
3 HUGE Meditation Benefits for Busy Moms

meditation, busy mom, yoga, mindfulness

Can meditation really help us be better moms?  As you know being a mom comes with so many joys and way too many stresses.  Moms who must function in our high paced world need something that will nourish them so that we can continue to care for our families.

We need to find ways of relaxing throughout our day and with all the means of relaxation out there, more and more Moms are looking towards the experience and benefits of meditation.

Meditation is effective, inexpensive (free), can be done practically anywhere and can be done within most time frames.  We can design a meditation practice that will fill most of our restriction on time, location and money.

Meditation can calm the mind and develop a Mother’s level of intuition.  It is now being performed not just a means of clearing the mind and inner reflection but also to heal your mind and body and deal with your emotions.

These are the 3 Huge Meditation Benefits I am personally experiencing:

meditation, self-care, mom, yoga, mindfulness

  1. CHOICE: I now get to choose how I react to my children and others. There’s no more running on autopilot.  Now I can create space between me and the experience which gives be a broader perspective of what is happening in the moment. This leaves me feeling much more in control of my emotions and actions without having a tight grip on them.

  2. ACCEPTANCE: I am not as judgmental and I don’t take things personally anymore. As long as I have done my best by my children and those around me I am not going to beat myself up for every mishap I have.  I have accepted that I am the type of mother I am and I do not try to fit a mold designed by others for me.  Nor do I attempt to make my children, spouse, family and friends fit into my mold.  It is a freeing experience.

  3. INSIGHT: I know so much more about myself and why I do the things I do.  I now know how to be tenderly honest with myself.  When I started to look inward for solutions the answers were revealed.  But I had to be still and receptive to all the answers that come.  This does not mean that I don’t have improvements to make.  My journey is now met with curiosity instead of resistance.

Physical Benefits:

There are so many additional benefits to meditating for moms. One of the most celebrated benefits of meditation is that it greatly helps your body. A physical benefit of meditation involves the heart.

The deep resting nature of meditation decreases the metabolic rate as well as the heart rate, which leads to the reduction of the workload on the heart. Meditation is also known to lower your levels of cortisol and dissolve the chemicals that are closely associated with everyday stress.

Other physical benefits of meditation also include reduced free radicals in the body by eliminating oxygen molecules that are unstable.  Meditation is known to decrease high blood pressure and lower your levels of cholesterol.  It can improve airflow to the lungs making breathing easier and delays biological aging.

Psychological Benefits:

When it comes to psychological factor, meditation aids in decreasing anxiety levels, irritability, deep-set depression, and swing of moods.  Meditation improves the mom’s memory as well as her learning ability and increases her ability for self-actualization.

The psychological benefits of meditation continue by increases a woman’s feeling of youthfulness and rejuvenation as well as vitality, leads to a positive outlook in life and joyfulness and increases a mother’s emotional status and stability.

Other noted benefits of meditation for Moms and our families include:

  1. Relaxation of your body, mind, and soul.

  2. Rejuvenation of energy to face the heavy challenges and stress ahead.

  3. Heals various illnesses that are closely associated with the mind and the body.

  4. Become a more emotionally stable.

  5. Develop a relaxed family life and instilling positive outlooks in life to your children and spouse.

  6. Enhances your ability to make the mind function properly.

  7. Discovering your inner self, which in turn releases the creativity in you.

  8. It can help you to free yourself from various vices and addictions such as alcohol and cigarettes as well as various medications.

  9. Helps us improve their self-confidence, resulting in a stronger willpower.

  10. Aids in the development of the power of the mind.

The list can go on and on about the benefits of mediation for Moms which will undoubtedly cross over to your family, friends and work or business.

What benefits of meditation have you experienced? If you haven’t started a practice yet, what I the benefits you are looking forward to the most?  When do you plan on starting your meditation practice?


Much Love,


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