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A Few Simple Steps Towards Self-Love

Self-love can come in all forms.  We seem to think that in order to practice self-love it requires a ton of planning and a ton of time.  When self-love is more of a mindset.  At least for me, it is much more in the self-talk going on in my head.  Sometimes it’s the simplest moves that can guide those aches and pains out of your body.

Self-love doesn’t always have to be a grand gesture.

But any amount of self-love will make you feel grand.


Try these simple poses to strengthen and lengthen your spine, loosen most of your major joints, stretch the entire back body and take a few moments to nourish yourself. They can be practiced in the morning or before bed or anytime your body & soul needs it. I often combine these poses as part of the warm-up in my weekly classes. My students request them often.

Let me know how you feel when you add these poses, cat-cow, dancing with the mother, downward dog and wide knee child’s pose to your practice.

Much Love,

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