Meditation, Mindfulness

A Meditation for Everyday

mindfulness, meditation, moms, busy moms, loving kindnessThe Loving Kindness Meditation will change you!  This is my favorite meditation.  I practice it every day and sometime several times a day.

Just as its name indicates, you will become more loving and kind towards yourself and others.  Which in turn means you become less judgmental of yourself, others and your experiences.

As we go about our day we tend to be very judgmental, especially towards ourselves.

A judgmental mind takes us out of the present moment.

When we are being judgmental we are either rehashing an event from our past or rehearsing for an event in the future.

The Loving Kindness meditation can train us to approach our thoughts from a nonjudgmental perspective so that we truly see things as they are.  The video below will introduce you to the wonderful practice of Loving Kindness.  We will also practice the meditation together.



Loving Kindness Meditation/Mantra

(as learned from Kashi Atlanta Urban Yoga Ashram)

May I be filled with loving kindness.

May I be well.

May I be peaceful and at ease.

May I be happy.


Practice the Loving Kindness meditation EVERY DAY.  You and those around you will notice a difference.

Let me know what you think of the video below in the comment section below.

Much Love, CharmaineW.

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