
A Mindful Body Beautiful Love Ritual

I developed this mindfulness ritual when I realized that I was having a lot of negative inner dialogue about my body, its shape, size, and abilities.  It has been years since I had my kids yet I have not been able to get back down to a pre-baby size. I realized that calling myself fat or beating up on myself about missing a workout or practice was not going to get me where I wanted to be.

This might be kind of surprising to those who know me because I can have a very cocky attitude about my appearance.  I think I look Fabulous!  I often joke that I can make this (pointing at my belly) look good in clothes.  But looking at my naked belly was not funny to me at all.

A different relationship with my body was needed.  It was time to start communicating in a kinder more loving way with and about my body.  Falling in love with my body just as it appeared, naked, is my intention.  I no longer want to wait until I lost 30lbs or toned my abs to be in love with me again.

But was an appreciation of every roll, bump and mark truly possible?  Could I become accepting of my body as it is?  Would it ever look and feel the way I desired?

Yes, but it requires some Radical Self-Love.

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Be mindful as you practice the Body Beautiful Radical Self-Love Ritual below.  Mindfulness is placing your awareness in the present moment without judgment.  Performing this ritual with a non-judgmental mind is one of the most important components of the practice.

As thoughts arrive about how much weight you need to lose, how you missed another workout, or about how you will never have the body you desire, gently refocus your attention on rubbing the oils into your body and all the sensations involved in the current moment.  Approach the ritual with a sense of loving kindness towards yourself.

Look for the good in your body and not the flaws.

You are not lying to yourself and saying you have the perfect body and there is no need for improvement.  What you want to convey is that right now, right here, in this moment my body is perfectly imperfect. My body is enough for me right here, right now, and I am grateful to it and for it.

I perform this ritual most mornings after I shower.  It is a great finale to a morning ritual that includes yoga and meditation.  Try to invoke four of your five senses, touch, sight, sound and smell while performing the ritual.  It will enhance the experience and keep you in the present moment.

5 Easy Steps to Body Beautiful Love:

mom, mindful, mindfulness, self-care, self-love, rituals

1. PREPARATION: Choose a few oils with properties that are beneficial to your skin type and needs. In an airtight container, I mix Jamaican Black Castor oil, castor oil, almond oil and apricot seed oil. Feel free to add any essential oil for fragrance and healing properties.

2. CLEANSING: Shower, being mindful of the moment. Become aware of the temperatures, smells and sounds while you cleanse your body.

3. LOVING: Do not dry off. Instead, rub a small amount of oil in your palms then rub the oil into your skin. Start at the top of your body and work your way down to your feet. Continue to rub and caress your entire body until most of the water has been absorbed into your skin.  Pat dry with a towel to remove any excess water.

4. AWARENESS: Try to do this in front of a mirror. Take your time. Be loving and kind to each body part and surface. Spend a little bit more time rubbing your oil into those body parts you’re not as happy with. Express gratitude for each and every part of your body as you gently massage the oil into your skin.

5. APPRECIATION: Bow in appreciation to yourself. Get dressed and proceed with your day or evening knowing that you have just loved up radically on yourself.

WOW, I feel good! And a bit sexy.

Do you have your own Body Beautiful Ritual?  Please share in the comments below.

If you tried the mine, let me know how you felt after some Body Beautiful Self-Love.


Much Love,


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2 thoughts on “A Mindful Body Beautiful Love Ritual

  1. I love this idea of radical body love. So simple, yet powerful in its application. I generally avoid the mirror, so I think his would be an affirming ritual to incorporate into my life.

    1. Thanks for your comment Chi! Let me know what happens when you try this ritual in front of the mirror. Mindfulness is about leaning into the uncomfortableness as well as the joys of life. Much Love, CharmaineW.

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