Meditation, Mindfulness

Mindful Breathing for Your Child

meditation for children, moms meditation, parents meditation, mindfulness for children, busy moms


Who says that meditation is only for adults? Today, even children can do meditation. Times are changing at a very fast pace. Even children are prone to stress and depression. They are too young to take many medications.  But one great alternative is to find an appropriate meditation method for your child.


At a doctor’s visit, your child’s problem can be identified. Ask your doctor if your child is a good candidate for meditation. Because they are still too young to do meditation on their own, you must look for a guided meditation that will suit your child.


Children are easily discouraged by lengthy meditation sessions.  That is why almost all of the meditation courses offered for children only take a few minutes a day. If your child is 8 years old or older, you may be able to find an organization or institution that offer meditation classes. Do some search online and see if you can find one near you.  Also, ask friends and relatives if they know of a certain meditation course offered exclusively for children. Your child is a precious gift, it is very important to aid him or her in their meditation practice.


There are several meditation techniques that you can choose from, but of all the techniques, it is best to choose the Mindful Breathing Meditation or Anapana Meditation. Why you might ask; well, children can be easily taught how to practice this particular technique. Mindful Breathing meditation is a mental purification process that is achieved by self-observation.


Children are very observant, so this is the right meditation to start sharing with your child.


Mindful Breathing Meditation is just the very first step in Vipassana meditation practice. This involves the observation of your natural respiration, the inhalation, and exhalation. This step can help your child with their concentration and focus. Aside from that, this technique can also calm your child, help your child understand themselves better, and provide insight into how your child’s mind works. Your child can develop the inner strength to help them in choosing the appropriate and right actions over the wrong ones. Mindful Breathing Meditation can provide your child with the right tool to face up to anxieties, fears, and childhood pressures.


Your child may or may not have an interest in meditation and self-introspection. Regardless, meditation can help in opening a new dimension in their life that will be of great value in the future and maybe one that they can use for as long as they live.


Your child will truly become a much better person. Through Mindful Breathing Meditation, your child’s mind will be stronger, and he/she will avoid saying or doing things that are harmful and hurtful to others. If your child possesses mind’s strength, then he or she will be more peaceful and will feel happier.


Make sure that your child follows all the instructions given for the duration of the practice.  Be patient with your child.  Meditation can be simple but that does not make it easy to practice.   Try to establish your own meditation practice.  Your personal practice will inform your practice with your child. Mindful Breathing Meditation is a very good foundation for your child. What’s good about this technique is that it also the entails participation of the family. You must provide proper support for your child so that he/she can learn easily. It would be best to accompany your child through the duration of the practice.


How to Guide Your Child in Mindful Breathing Meditation:

  1. Set your timer for the length of your practice. Start with just 1 minute and work your way up to 10 or 30 minutes.  By using a timer you will be less distracted by how much time has passed (you can use the timer on your watch or cell phone).
  2. Sit in a comfortable upright position. Your child can sit on the floor or in a chair.  Try to keep the body as still as possible.
  3. Have your child close their eyes or gaze down, whichever feels more comfortable to your child.
  4. Ask your child to begin by placing all of their attention and awareness at the tips of their nose where the nostrils are located.
  5. Then start to become aware of the sensations of the breath moving in and out of the nostrils.
  6. As the mind wonders, which will happen a million times, gently refocus your attention to the tip of your nose and the sensations of your inhalation and exhalation. Remind your child a few times throughout the practice to gently place their awareness back to their breath.
  7. At the end of the practice take 3 deep breaths, then gently open the eyes.


As a parent, we all want the best for our children.  We want to give them tools and skills that they can use throughout their lifetime.  Meditation is a tool that will benefit them today.  With continued practice, the benefits of meditation will only increase as our children grow and mature.  Don’t worry too much if they do not seem interested or if it doesn’t seem to be working.  You will be surprised when in casual conversation you realize the changes meditation has made in your child’s life.  Just keep practicing, this is a long-term plan for success.


Much Love, CharmaineW.




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