
Mindfulness & 13 Times to Practice Mindful Breathing Throughout Your Day


Mindful Breathing is a mindfulness meditation. Mindful Breathing enables us to stay in the present moment.  You can only breath this breath, right here, right now.  You can’t breathe yesterday’s breath or even the last second’s breath.  And you sure can’t breathe next week’s breath today.

Becoming aware of your breath keeps you in the here and now.  When you are in the present moment you are able to see things more clearly thereby enabling you to make decisions that better reflect your desires.

It is simple but not easy.  For 1, 5, 15, 30, 60 minutes or longer, you place your awareness and attention on your breath.  You focus on your inhale through the nose and your exhale through the nose.  It is not deep breathing.  It is observing the breath as it is without purposefully changing it.  Simple but not easy.

The thing is we will have thoughts that come up and distract us from our awareness of our breath.  When this happens and it will happen a million times in just one minute, gently place your attention back to your breath. Be kind and compassionate with yourself as you refocus on your inhalation and exhalation.  This can take a lot of practice, even years, to be able to keep your awareness on your breath.  So be gentle with yourself.

With our busy lives it can be difficult to find 15 minutes for mindful meditation.  And some days it can be difficult to find even 1 minute to uninterrupted meditation.  Here are 13 suggestions on how to sprinkle some mindfulness throughout your day.  My favorite times are #1, 5, 6 and 9.

What are your favorite times? Do you have any suggestions to add to the list? I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Much Love,


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