
Time & Space to Meditate for Busy Moms

busy moms, meditation. creative meditation space, meditation space

So you’ve heard about how great meditation is for you and you really want to try it.  But you are a busy mom.  You don’t have time with the kids, family, and work, just to name a few of your obligations.  Meditation is supposed to make life better but finding the time and space to meditate is beginning to stress you out.

Okay, take a deep breath, inhale, and exhale.  Take another breath, just to make sure.  Now stop freaking out!  Meditation is a tool that provides clarity, insight, and relaxation, among other benefits.

There are many meditation practices for you to explore.  Meditation can be as simple as becoming aware of your breath, repeating a mantra, or a visualization technique. Regardless of which practice you choose, as a busy mom, it can be difficult finding the time and space to meditate.  Our kids have a way of being very distracting.

For a Busy mom, it is just as essential to take care of yourself as much as it is to take care of your family.  Your mental wellbeing is your most important duty because it governs every other aspect of your life and how you function in it.

A busy mom knows how to be creative.  Now it is time to apply that creativity to your meditation practice.  See if there are places in your daily schedule where you can insert some self-care in the form of meditation.  All you really need is your breath to start meditating.

These are a few of the ways that I have created time and space to meditate over the years:

  1. Meditating in a room far from the kids.  If the kids are safely sleeping or playing (depending on their ages of course), find a place that will minimize the distracting sounds they will make.
  2. Meditate in the mornings before everyone wakes up. I know you are tired but starting your day with meditation will make you feel refreshed.  Plus starting your day with an act of self-care and self-love sets the tone and expectations for the rest of your day.
  3. Can’t wake up early in the mornings? Don’t beat yourself up about it.  Meditate in the car, on the train/bus or walk, after you drop the kids to school.  Or in your car or office or cubicle before you start work.
  4. Meditate before you eat lunch, that if you get a chance to eat.
  5. Before you pick up the kids from school, take a few minutes to meditate. This will get you ready to handle the barrage of information and requests that will be fired at you as soon as your kids see you.  And if you have teenagers, a meditation before you see them again will help you handle their silence or their attitude from a place of non-attachment.
  6. Meditate before you go to sleep. Make meditation a part of your night-time ritual.  Brush your teeth, shower, oil your body (try my Body Love Ritual), meditate, sleep.
  7. Let your kids know that mom is going to meditate and should not be disturbed unless someone is bleeding. Over time the kids will learn to respect your space and time.  They will also learn a little about resolving their own conflicts. As well as the importance of taking time out daily to be with yourself.
  8. Create a special space for your meditation. Having your own special space will aid in getting into your meditative state quicker.  This space can be created in a room or consist of having a certain object or picture in your hand.  However your special space is created, it should make you feel safe, centered and relaxed.

Over time and with practice, your kids will become less of a distraction.  And as they grow older they will learn to respect mom’s meditation time.

Remember to practice daily or as often as you can.  If you miss a day or week, just get back to meditating as soon as possible.  Don’t beat yourself up that would defeat the whole purpose.  Things happen, we’re busy moms after all.

Comment below and let me know which idea above worked for you.  Share your own creative way to carve out time and space for meditation.

Much Love, CharmaineW.

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