Meditation, Mindfulness, Yoga

Winter RE-AWAKENING Retreat

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Winter RE-AWAKENING Retreat: Getting Out of Your Own Way

What an awesome weekend!  The Winter Re-Awakening Women’s Retreat in Georgia this past weekend was so much more than I imagined. My clients flew in from different states to join me for a weekend of getting down to the business of self.  The theme for this retreat was “Getting Out of Your Own Way.”

re-awakening retreat, retreat, yoga, meditation, self-care, strong women,

The Re-Awakening Retreat participants came with a lot of questions, doubts, and fears.  Yet they also came with a tremendous amount of courage.  The beauty of these women was that they already knew they had the answers inside but they were not able to fully connect with their inner self.  At the retreat, they learned about the techniques that will reveal their answers and how to implement these techniques.


These women came with a tremendous amount of courage.


 Re-Awakening to Our Magnificence

Our days started with a cleansing and detoxifying yoga practice which prepared the mind and the body for the re-awakening work we were going to perform that day.  After a satisfying meal where we ate mindfully (using all 5 of our senses to enjoy our food), we set out to reconnect with nature by taking a hike on the beautiful grounds.

winter retreat, retreat, re-awakening retreat, confident women, yoga

The women learned the Universal Balance meditation practice that they would eventually be able to practice on their own back home.  This meditation enabled the participants to relieve stresses and establish the balance between the left and right brain. The women were then able to open up and go deeper into exploring their beliefs and their effects on living the life they desire.

The women and I worked through the difficulties of forgiveness through honest, insightful and focused one-on-one and group discussions.  They continued to reclaim their confidence in themselves and their bodies with mindful yoga practices and body-beautiful rituals of self-love.  



Designing Life on Our Terms

Soon we found ourselves at a place where we were no longer standing in our own way.  We had taken full responsibility for our lives with understanding and courage.  It was at this point that the women were able to self-define their futures without restrictions.   Through my specially designed guided meditation and exploratory journaling, each participant was able to design her own unique personal affirmations.  These affirmations were the starting blocks to them finally designing the life they truly want.  

It was a weekend packed with discovery, reflection, courage, and fun.  

retreat, winter retreat, re-awakening retreat, busy women, boss ladies, guided meditation

I felt so blessed to be in the company of these courageous women who know that having an amazing year starts with being the best versions of themselves.  

My next Re-Awakening Retreat will be Spring 2018.  Click Here and let me know if you are interested and what you would like to explore.

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Much Love, CharmaineW


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2 thoughts on “Winter RE-AWAKENING Retreat

  1. The timing, the practices, the fellow participants, the affirmations, the love. Everything about this weekend was beautiful. I left the retreat feeling rejuvenated, loved, strong, and equipped to make 2018 an epic year. Thank you thank you thank you!

    1. I was honored to work and explore with you. It seems like you might have gotten more from the retreat than you expected. I am so glad that the Re-Awakening Retreat met your expectations and you are feeling more empowered to live the life you desire in 2018. I hope I will see you at the Spring 2018 Re-Awakening Retreat. Much Love, CharmaineW.

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