Center of You

yoga, meditation, mindfulness, center of you

The Center of You Institute believes that mental and physical health can be achieved through relaxation and stress reduction.  It takes some practice, but I am here to help.

Yoga, meditation, and mindfulness are ancient practices that have been proven to improve our mental and physical wellbeing.

Current research suggests that practicing yoga may improve quality of life; reduce stress; lower heart rate and blood pressure; relieve lower back pain, and improve overall physical fitness, strength, and flexibility.

Meditation may also ease symptoms of anxiety, depression and may help with insomnia. Some research suggests that meditation may physically change the brain and body and potentially helps to improve many health problems and promote healthy behaviors.

Mindfulness is a mental state that enables you to stay with a calm mind. It helps you stay aware of all the physical and mental activities in the moment.  Mindfulness has been used to reduce stress, improve concentration and strengthen the mind-body connection.

I have been practicing yoga for over 20 years.  I completed the Classical Yoga Teacher Training certification program at Kashi Atlanta Urban Ashram.  I am a Registered Yoga Teacher, RYT-200 with the Yoga Alliance. I am a graduate of the Mindfulness & Psychotherapy for Healthcare Professionals: Special 8-Week Course at Atlanta Mindfulness Institute.  In addition, I hold a Masters Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

Let me guide you on your journey back to the Center of You.

A Sample of our Offerings:

  • Private lessons
  • Group classes
  • Custom practices designed to address the needs of corporate or social groups
  • Special programs designed to benefit your teams in your work life or personal life

Contact Me for more Information!

Much Love,



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