
Chakra Meditation to Balance Our Crazy Lives

Why is learning about your chakras important to understand your body?  Because we want to balance this crazy life of ours.  We need to feel like we have some control over the chaos.  We need just a few minutes to ourselves.

To practice this chakra meditation there are a few ideas you might need to be open to.  First, consider the possibility that we are made up of energy and we produce energy through our bodies.  Then open your mind even further and consider that these energy sources can have profound impacts on your mind, body, and spirit.

The chakras are energy centers or points in our bodies.  They are located in specific areas throughout our entire body.  The seven main chakras are roughly located along the spine.

Then you would have to believe that these energy sources can have profound impacts on your mind, body, and spirit. 

It is believed that when these energy points are balanced your mind becomes more balanced.  Each of the seven chakras governs different aspects of the body and the mind.

When we are feeling out of sorts or unbalanced increasing the openness of the flow of energy at one or all of the seven chakra centers can bring you back into alignment. 

Because of this, chakra meditation is a popular meditation technique.

A chakra can be considered an energy point or force in the body that governs different physical, mental and spiritual functions in you. It is the practice of awakening the chakra in the body that is the aim of chakra meditation.

Each chakra may provide different benefits when awakened through meditation. They can be imagined as spinning wheels and when they are spinning clockwise the energy is flowing openly. We can increase this flow with the mediation below.

As we move up the spine each chakra builds on the ones below it and we begin to decrease our feelings of separation and increase our knowledge of connection.

There is so much to learn and study about the chakras but I am going to try to keep it simple so that you can get started with practicing this effective balancing meditation.

The Seven Chakras:

Chakra Sanskrit Name/ Location/Color/ Element Governing
1st Muladhara/ Perineum/ Red/ Earth Grounded; survival; balanced; connected; security; root; tangibility; form; physical plane
2nd Svadisthana/ Lower abdominal area/ Orange/ Water Sexuality; reproduction; flow; creativity; desire; pleasure; unite; change; movement; choice
3rd Manipura/ Solar plexus/ Yellow/ Fire Health; power; vitality; energy; transformation; action; will
4th Anahata/ Heart/ Green/ Air Love; compassion; relationship, balance; growth; unity; healing; harmony; giving & receiving
5th Vissuddha/ Throat/ Blue/ Sound Communication; self-expression; creativity; vibration
6th Ajna/ Third eye/ Purple/ Light Intuition; clairvoyance; psychic vision; clear perception; memory; imagination; dreams; visualization
7th Sahasrara/ Crown of the head/ White/ Thought Transcendence; understanding; enlightenment; information; understanding; bliss, belief systems

The Meditation:

  1. Sit comfortably with your spine erect.

  2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths (3-5).

  3. Place all of your attention on your perineum (or lower spine) the location of your 1st Chakra.

  4. Breathe in deeply and imagine drawing energy into this chakra, then hold the breath for a few moments before releasing it. Repeat 3 times.

  5. Move your attention and energy to your abdominal area, the location of your 2nd Chakra. Inhale deeply, hold the breath for a few moments, exhale fully, and repeat 3 times.

  6. Move your attention and energy up your spine about an inch or 2 above your navel to your 3rd Chakra. Inhale deeply, hold the breath for a few moments, exhale fully, and repeat 3 times.

  7. Continue up your spine taking 3 breaths at your heart and the location of your 4th Chakra.

  8. Repeat at your 5th Chakra located between your eyebrows. 

  9. End with 3 breaths at your 7th Chakra located at the baby soft spot at the top of your head.

  10. Sit quietly observing the energies of all seven Chakras before slowly opening your eyes.


There it is, all balanced out now.  Just joking. But you are on your way to feeling more balanced.  And you have an additional tool to help you in creating the life you desire.

Leave a comment below and let me know how this meditation worked out for you.  Let me know if you follow another practice to balance your chakras.


Much Love,


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